
Black Flies be Damned, We LOVE Spring!

Spring hit us hard this weekend. The grass and the baby goats are growing at an amazing rate, there are finally leaves on our trees, it was sunny and warm all weekend, and the garden dried out enough to plant some seeds and seedlings.

I'm telling you, these kids cannot be contained; we keep finding them all over the barn, not in the little section where we were trying to keep them. Fortunately, the barn is very small, so they are easy to find.

The grown-up goats are enjoying the sunshine and new green growth. Here is Juniper paying a visit to her niece and nephew.

And look - I was there too! Yep, that's me, Farmer Feather (right before I got my first sunburn of 2011). Apparently I have been a shadowy presence here on the Cotton Hill Farm Blog, so I wanted to set the record straight.

When I'm not taking pictures of pretty flowers and things that are cute, and writing about my life in third-person omniscient, I am busy snuggling - I mean socializing - baby goats, planting things in the ground, ignoring my houseplants, walking around, doing kitchen projects, and learning, learning, learning.

This weekend we learned that making mozzarella is actually fun if you use the microwave instead of a pot of hot water. Look at that stretch!
And that's what you need to know about me.
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