
Summer Kids

Monday marked the end of the 2014 kidding season at the Cotton Hill farmstead. It's unusually late for it, but the lovely Vervain just refused to be bred in a timely manner back in the fall. Better late than never, I suppose. 
I was out for the evening, but Farmer Fin reported that when he went up to fill the goats' water after milking, there was Vervain with three tiny babies. The littlest one is no bigger than three pounds. We call him Mr. Kitten. I'm trying not to get too attached. One of the black ones is a girl, though.
For a sense of the tinyness, look how big my hand looks compared to their heads! 

It feels kind of peculiar to have tiny babies again. The bigger littles had to grow up fast so we could put the new ones in the nursery pen without getting squashed. They seem to be enjoying life with the herd, although they are not thrilled at having gone down to one bottle a day. 
Very Hungry Babies
Speaking of milk, Vervain is a chip off the old block: like her mother Violet, she makes a remarkable amount of milk. Welcome to the life of a working goat, Vervain!



A snapshot from the garden.

Spring is lovely here on Cotton Hill.