

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the new addition to the Cotton Hill herd. She came with a name that was too cute to change: Buttons! Buttons is very sleek and has a very white face, as you can see.
At first her new herd-mates all loved her because she smelled like boy-goats. Then they all hated her because goats are kind of like middle-school mean girls who can't stand to have their status threatened. Now they are getting used to her, we think. She is a yearling, so Vernon and Veronica think she's kind of fun because they are all about the same size. 

Buttons likes green leaves and grain. She gives a remarkable amount of milk for a gal her size. When we are done milking her and she is almost finished with her grain, she likes to give us kisses on the face. She's a pretty good kisser, too.
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The Barn Right Now

I haven't posted any barn photos in some time, because for a while, progress had kind of stalled while we waited for the lumber and the time to continue framing and siding. Last weekend, with the help of Debbie and Olivier, the barn metamorphosed from an open-air pavilion to something more like an actual barn. Here's the progress report:
South Side
Watch Dog
East Side
West Side
The barn is a lovely place to hang out on these hot days. It's shady and the breeze blows through the center doors beautifully. Many, many, many thanks to Olivier and Debbie for the working weekend!
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